The safety of our employees is always of the utmost importance to everyone at AOG. Working safely is a condition of employment. We expect every employee to be responsible for their own safety and never do a job without using the proper safety gear. AOG is committed to providing a safe work environment and we ask you to always keep safe work habits top of mind. This includes observing all safety rules, practices and procedures and always use caution in your work activities. Please remember, it is critical for your safety and the safety of those around you to immediately report any unsafe work condition to the appropriate supervisor as soon as possible.

If you do experience an injury, AOG will provides you with an immediate response plan to ensure your receive the necessary medical attention and get you back to work in a timely manner and proactively manage your claim.


  • If your injury is a life, please call 911.
  • Call AOG’s corporate office ASAP at 310-868-1505 .
  • You will need to complete a detailed report of your injury prior to seeking medical treatment unless your injury is life threatening.
  • AOG will coordinate your medical care to ensure that you receive the proper and necessary treatment and take care of your medically necessary expenses.
  • Please tell your medical provider that you have been injured at work (and that you are an AOG Employee) so they can complete the necessary forms.
  • Your safety is our ALWAYS OUR HIGHEST!
